Kim Ørnstrup Rasmussen
Partner, Attorney-at-Law (L)
(+45) 20 69 36 83
Practice areas
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Legal Secretary:
Pia Anita Rasmussen
(+45) 88 88 85 86
Kim Ørnstrup Rasmussen advises contractors, technical consultants, and developers on all aspects of construction and procurement law. Kim has been working in the field of construction since 2008, initially at Plesner Law Firm and subsequently at MT Højgaard and then Arkitema (part of the COWI Group). Kim has extensive practical experience in construction law and has the ability to incorporate the client's commercial considerations into his advice. He believes in simplifying the collaboration between parties with contracts that are not unnecessarily lengthy and complex, but rather operational in their day-to-day business. Therefore, the emphasis is on supporting collaboration and making the law usable and understandable for the client. Additionally, Kim has practical experience in contract management in construction projects, ranging from procurement law and contract negotiation to project planning, execution, and any disputes and insurance matters. Unfortunately, disputes are a common occurrence in construction, but Kim always seeks an amicable resolution. If this is not possible, Kim is an experienced litigator in both arbitration and civil courts.
SIRIUS advokater: 2021 - present
Arkitema: 2018 - 2021
MT Højgaard: 2014 - 2018
Plesner: 2007 - 2014
Member of the Danish Society for Construction Law
Kim Ørnstrup Rasmussen rådgiver entreprenører, tekniske rådgivere og bygherrer om alle aspekter inden for entreprise og udbudsret. Kim har arbejdet med byggeri siden 2008, først hos Plesner advokatselskab og efterfølgende hos MT Højgaard og dernæst Arkitema (COWI-koncernen). Kim har således en lang og praktisk erfaring med entrepriseretten og evner at inddrage klientens kommercielle hensyn i sin rådgivning. Det er Kims opfattelse, at der ikke er grund til at komplicere samarbejdet mellem parterne med unødigt lange og indviklede kontrakter, der ikke er operative i parternes hverdag. Der lægges derfor vægt på at understøtte samarbejdet og på at gøre juraen brugbar og forståelig for klienten. Kim har derudover stor praktisk erfaring med ”contract management” i byggesager – lige fra udbudsret, kontraktindgåelse, fra projektering til udførelse samt i forbindelse med eventuelle tvister og forsikringssager. Tvister er desværre et vilkår i byggeriet, men Kim søger altid en mindelige løsning af eventuelle tvister. Hvis dette ikke er muligt, er Kim en erfaren procedør i såvel voldgiftsretten som ved de civile domstole.
SIRIUS advokater: 2021 - nu
Arkitema: 2018 - 2021
MT Højgaard: 2014 - 2018
Plesner: 2007 - 2014
Medlem af Det Danske Selskab for Byggeret
‘Kim Ørnstrup Rasmussen has great knowledge and work ethic, and an ability to see every problem from every angle to get the best result, which is unique.’
‘Kim Ørnstrup Rasmussen: experience from the adviser profession makes it easier to communicate, and we trust him very much because he sees the business from different angles.’
‘Tina Ortega together with Kim Ørnstrup Rasmussen have a team which are always professional, they are highly competent, professional, polite, pleasant, straight forward with a high level of expertise and work morale.’
Kim er anbefalet i det internationalt anerkendte analyse- og ratingfirma Legal500.